Substitute teacher
Do you remember as a kid how your class behaved when a substitute teacher was in ? I can agree that times haven’t changed at all. A lot of the kids today tested their boundaries with their substitute teacher. Made for a challenging day and was hard keeping class on task and on focus . I communicated with Alan that i highly struggled with taking notes and keeping up with help needed with students. I learned that kids pay attention to their surroundings and people, when challenged with a new person they will see what rules they can bend.
Homemade playdough
Some of the kids moved on from day before craft. It happens, I learned keep craft simple yet fun and engaging or I loose their interest . Of course it did not bother me to clean up after such a fun messy art project. It is about the experience kids gain from making playdough, and the mess also.
Kids got to measure, mix , and add water, fun and joy to this hands on project that was fun for all ages and stages. Many were grossed out by texture, yet kept going on making while conversing and laughing. While holiday music played Mrs. John gave kids snacks and joyous conversation.
Play doh is a great activity that usually engages everyone. Glad you understood the changes in behavior when the routine is not the same, as well as a new teacher. Once again I am sure that they were happy to have extra hands and help!