Day 5 of practicum (December 6,2024)

I was hands on with my icicle project with the kids during the morning program. I was learning how to do the folding with them . Was a fun task to learn with the kids. Fine motor skills were put to the test . Glitter and glue were used to decorate the paper icicle .. Pretty sure the paper ornament wasnt the only thing decorated . Was quite the chaotic fun mess. It is about the experience and fun. Not about not making a mess.

On side note not all days are rainbow and sunshine. I had a student hit me while walking by. I told my Little buddy how I didn’t like being hit and it hurt my feelings. That his hands are for helping . Day before same guy pinched me. He was struggling using his words to describe the frustrations he had with the transition going on.

Journal writing

Kayden, you seem to find strengths in moments of your creative writing . Moments that are full filled with sounding out his letters and figuring out which letters are next in our sight words. We managed to complete another journal entry. In this entry he was describing what he was making with popsicles. Another task tackled and successful at. Kayden enjoys giving high-fives and giggles when finished a journal. Yet another skill Kayden has excelled in his journal, he is also keen on building things and talking about it.

This is Heaven and her baby Summer. They are Myla’s family. Since September baby Summer has been visiting once a month. The students are engaged about her growth and her new abilities. Kids have an opportunity to ask questions about the baby to her mom and Myla while sitting in a circle around the baby . Summer got to listen to the kids sing “snow pants “a song from their Christmas concert. Baby Summer was so plighted by the kids voices and actions to the song. Was delightful, and entertaining even for me ,

Early learning framework

Others, materials, and the world are chronicled through out todays adventure. The children in the class got to learn about a child and the developing in the world around them. Summer is growing new abilities and skills that are noticed and noted. The children are encouraged to ask questions about the baby. With this also empathy skills are developed. Was fun to watch the different

One thought on “Day 5 of practicum (December 6,2024)

  • December 16, 2024 at 3:35 pm

    So much happening at Cayoosh! I get a sense that you are experiencing lots of interesting activities, Roots of Empathy Baby, creating decorations, outside play, challenging behavior and big emotions!


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